Mamta Gajbhiye
Mamta Gajbhiye
Ms. Mamta A. Gajbhiye is a counselling Psychologist practicing in Nagpur. After completing her Masters in Human development, she opted for a specialization course in Counselling psychology which helped her enhance Counselling skills, and provided her with immense opportunities to work with children, adolescents and adults. Counselling and handling emotional and behavioural issues have always been a passion for her. With more than 18 years of experience in the field of Counselling and Psychometric Testing, she has worked with reputed schools in Nagpur, Rajkot, Jaipur as a chief Counselor. She is attached to Psychiatric clinics, Hospitals, NGO’s. She also is an Interviewing Panel member for officer’s selection in a reputed PSU. Mamta is experienced in assessing, diagnosing and making special remedial educational program for slow learners, children with ADHD, other behavioral, emotional problems and LD. She efficiently counsels couples, families, and parents. While working, she has taken workshops on Anger management, study habits, concentration, communication skills, self-discipline for students and mental well-being of employees, anxiety, parental challenges etc for elders.