Work out your way to happiness

The word exercise can elicit different emotions in us. Dread, excitement, passion to name a few. If you have had a love-hate (or mostly hate) relationship with exercise, today you may change your mind. If any of you have visited any mental health professional (psychiatrist/psychologist), they would have asked you to make lifestyle changes. Especially […]
Busting mental illness myths

Of all the illnesses, mental illnesses are probably the ones most poorly understand. There is still a heavy load of stigma attached to these illnesses and this in turn hampers the health seeking behaviour of most patients and their families. Media, especially movies, frequently depict a caricature like image of patients suffering from mental illness, […]
Benefits of kindness

All of us have been the recipients of someone’s kindness at some point in our life. Isn’t it lovely when someone offers to help us out with some technical glitch we can’t handle or when someone offers to drop us if we don’t have a vehicle. It certainly brings a smile to our face or […]

THE “HYPER” CHILD We all know of at least one child in our surrounding who seems to be constantly on the go, who is the ‘naughty’ child and who often gets in trouble in school or home. For some children, it may be a temperamental issue but some children suffer from a condition known as […]
Let’s talk about anxiety

In today’s world, thanks to a growing awareness, words like anxiety and depression are being heard quite commonly. But what exactly does it mean to have anxiety? Many people who suffer from anxiety often don’t realise what is happening to them till symptoms become unmanageable or the person is unable to handle their daily life […]
Depression Decoded

Depression is undoubtedly the most well-known mental health disorder. The use of the term ‘depression’ has almost become trendy now. But what does it really mean to suffer from depression? Does being sad for couple of hours qualify as depression? Does it mean that if you can smile & soldier through your day, you are […]